Custom Built Luxury Homes
We humbly boast over 60 years of combined experience and a commitment to transparency, overengineering and best-practice construction.
Our projects are partnerships.
Building a custom estate home that has never been built before can provide some challenges and a good fit between our clients and us is paramount. That’s why a friendly face-to-face meeting (in-person, or online) to see if the right chemistry is there for you and for us is the first step in the journey to your new home.
We’re committed to the journey.
Building a complex luxury estate home that’s the envy of your neighbours, (and building it the right way) takes a bit longer than a conventional home. We’ll be with you every step of the way, delivering status updates, answering your questions, and making sure your experience is as rewarding as possible.
Your personalized building experience.
We’ll help you through every detail of your build. You’ll receive a list of our trades and materials suppliers so you can select your appliances, cabinets and finishing packages. Based on your choices, we will generate a detailed estimate complete with detailed specifications of all materials. Once you sign off, the journey begins.
We make sure your home is built right.
How your home looks and feels is entirely up to you, and we will help you through the process of making your dream a reality. When it comes to choices that affect the structure, quality and integrity of the home we will not negotiate, after all it’s our name and warranty on the line.
Building from below the ground up.
Most home buyers judge the quality of a builder based on the stuff they can see. The finishes, the countertops, the flooring, the height of the ceilings. We get that. We love those things too, but we think solid foundations and features like overengineered footings, joists, and trusses are just as sexy.
Some things we do to make sure your home is built right:
Our footings are overengineered for a solid foundation.
We always have soil samples tested to make sure we know exactly what we’re dealing with. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
Our floor joists and subfloors substantially exceed code to minimize deflection which can lead to construction issues.
We use engineered headers above all windows, exterior doors providing an increased load rating.
Our roof trusses are designed for increased snow loads and decreased truss uplift.
We spray foam all floor joists ends and cavities where there’s the potential for warm and cold air to mix and create moisture.
We use RockWool Comfort Batt Insulation which outperforms conventional Pink Batt Insulation and also provides better sound proofing, fire protection and is mold and insect resistant.
We make sure our building sites are clean, organized and in pristine condition so that our skilled trade partners have the best environment to do their very best work.
We bring a diverse and high level of construction IQ.
We’re not the cheapest builder in town and nore do we want to be. We don’t price the homes we build to secure a sale and then figure out how to make money.
We do the right thing – we never cut corners to save money.
We encourage our clients to shop around and get quotes from other builders to compare “apples to apples”.
We offer a personalized and customized building process.
If clients don't have a house plan, we will design one with them.
We focus on the Edmonton and region.
Our post-sale follow up and service is remarkable, and this is important to us because it has resulted in referrals which stand for the largest part of our business.
Some of our recent custom built homes

Build with us.
Iconic homes that are extraordinary inside and out.
Every Carson Built Home is designed to reflect the unique and individual character of the owner. If you know exactly what you want, we’ll help you bring it to life. Or if you know what you like, but don’t have a vision yet, we can help you design your home. If you dream it, we can build it.
Start dreaming.
Still have questions?
Our Frequently Asked Questions page might have your answer. Or contact us!